JAM Debate &
Group discussion

Join us for an exciting series of jam, group discussion, and debate sessions as part of Avazya 2023! These sessions provide an opportunity for students to hone their communication and critical thinking skills, and engage in thought-provoking discussions with peers. Open to all students, regardless of major or background. Don't miss out on this chance to develop your skills and expand your knowledge!

JAM Rules :
1) Each participant will be given a topic to speak on.
2) The topic will be announced and participants will have one minute to prepare their thoughts.
3) Each participant will then have one minute to speak on the topic without hesitation, deviation, or repetition.
4) Participants should speak clearly and audibly.
5) The participant with the most number of uninterrupted minutes at the end of the session is declared the winner.

Debate Rules:
1) Each participant should clearly state their position on the topic and provide supporting evidence.
2) Participants should respect the opinions of others and listen actively to opposing arguments.
3) Personal attacks or derogatory comments are not allowed.
4) Participants should present their arguments in a logical and organized manner.
5) The debate should remain respectful and focused on the topic at hand.

Group Discussion Rules:
1) Each participant should listen actively to others and allow everyone a chance to speak.
2) Respectful and courteous language should be used at all times.
3) The discussion should remain on topic and related to the theme or prompt provided.
4) Personal attacks, derogatory comments, or discrimination of any kind are not allowed.
5) Participants should come prepared to engage in a lively and respectful discussion.

Registeration : - Free

Faculty Coordinators :
Mr.Sunil Kumar Singh - 9098922979
Ms.N.Madhavi - 7569785029
Student Coordinators :
Mr.D.Koushik - 8639616385